Reach for the Stars- Tyler.l

no listen beats: no read blog
2 min readJul 17, 2021


When I was younger and still living in my hometown there was a club on the High Street that called itself ‘’The Stars’’ and it was a complete fuckin dive. Beer of watered down piss quality, music so shit that in an act of self-preservation you could quite happily saw off your own ears and throw them down to the ground to be stomped into the sodden, sticky dancefloor that lay beneath your feet. The dancefloor itself, covered in sawdust which had been hastily thrown down by overworked, underpaid bar staff to cover the chunky puke that had been retched out by those of us who’d had a wee bit too much.

Thing is about Tyler. l’s Reach for the Stars is I reckon if that song had come on back in the day at that shitty club, then it would have had the other worldly power to instantly transport me away from the horrible nightmare I was surrounded by, cos this is a gorgeously written beat with two duelling melodies that manage to shield your ears from the darkness and vomit that lies outside.

I think it’s the second melody that really grabs me by the heart shaped balls though, coming in as a chorus like hook played on some heavenly strings. You could imagine it playing in the background of the final scene of your favourite show, as you try to hold your tears back only to collapse in a crumpled mess in front of your shocked two year old daughter.

Despite not having any words the whole thing really has the atmosphere and feel of a classic pop song, a classic duet from the 60s destined to be played out in front of live studio audiences all across the world, audiences that will be captivated from the very first note up until the very last, pc. Check it oot here



no listen beats: no read blog

a music blog that nobody will read to promote beats that nobody will listen to