stay- rllsm

no listen beats: no read blog
2 min readJul 17, 2021


I’m standing waiting for the train as I write this, it’s been a while but eventually a train will come and I’m thinking I might just stay here and watch it go. Then I’ll stay here patiently waiting for the next one and maybe I’ll let that one fly by to and you know what? Maybe I’ll just let this happen all day cos sometimes it’s better just to stay still and just watch things go by isn’t it? Slow the heart down a little bit and just wait, wait and watch, watch shit drift by in the blur of a blur.

To be honest, I’m not completely still as the train pulls away from me, cos my ears are tingling, bubbling up with the hot sauce I’m feeding them. I’m listening to stay by rllsm on repeat and I have been doing for at least the last thirty minutes. It’s beautiful, really beautiful, beautiful in a really earthly way, like the music was scribbled down fifty years ago and buried in the ground by folk singers who had passed on the song from generation to generation, only recently rediscovered after a particularly warm, heavy, early summer downpour.

The beat is ace, primarily built around a cool, folky, picky guitar riff, the kind of riff that could lend itself to a protest song, lead us marching up to the courthouse to torch the buildings where our fates were about to be sealed. But the warm piano chords that back that riff would calm our rage and bring us back down to earth, we’d all lie down on the grass and use the bonfires to light the joints that would see us into the night.

As we lie a little stoned on the soft, freshly cut grass, the beat continues gently swelling into a glorious but subdued climax. The clear as day, live drums are the perfect heartbeat to the whole thing as they are joined by a harmonica like horn section which adds its own sway to the glorious folk song feel of a wonderful couple of minutes, pc. Check it oot here



no listen beats: no read blog

a music blog that nobody will read to promote beats that nobody will listen to